Today we bring you another Electron app whose developers are bent on being unique. Having being termed the terminal emulator for the 21st century, its GitHub page deems Upterm as “an IDE in the world of terminals”.
Upterm (previously called Black Screen), is an open-source Electron-based terminal emulator with a plethora of features that easily make it an IDE compared to other terminal apps in the market especially thanks to its interactive shell.
It features a Minimal design User Interface reminiscent of Atom Text Editor’s default dark-themed look, smart searching, git integration, code and parenthesis auto-completion, Language Server Protocol support, and a speedy process flow in general, among others.

Features in Upterm
- FOSS: Free to download and use with its open source code available on GitHub.
- Cross-platform: run Upterm on Windows, Mac, and GNU/Linux.
- Beautiful and minimal design UI.
- Autocompletion using Monaco.
- Support for all command-line programs (including vim, emacs, and ssh, to name a few).
- Color code highlighting.
- Supports tabbed panels.
- Increase/decrease the font size.
- Prompt and status bar.
Upterm has a lot more features than are listed above but I will rather let you do the discovering yourself. You might be discouraged from using Upterm because it is an Electron app but you can’t deny that in order for Upterm to provide a speedier performance than its counterparts it will have to use more RAM. You will just have to give it a test-drive yourself to know whether the trade off is worth it.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Upterm for Linux” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#529b30″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
You must have used other terminal emulators like Hyper and Tilix so how do you think Upterm performs compared to them and other advanced terminal emulators.
Drop your comments in the section below.
I like this wallpaper, want to download it, link please?
I dunno, maybe its just me, but I’m from the Old School….in that…I believe in the very first originating concepts for Linux “Do One Thing And Do It Well”….i don’t mind the slew of new apps and programs that are coming out for use by the masses, but I prefer to have a separate Terminal, a separate IDE, (although that’s kind of a misrepresented nomenclature on my part….since an IDE is technically a “mixture” of different parts of programming melded into one!) I’m just one of those old grizzly techies from the previous era who finds nothing wrong with keeping things in their own place, without mixing things up too much. But it definitely looks like an interesting app to use. I guess that’s the best part of being a Linux user, I’m not locked into using something I don’t find appealing, but I’m free to use whatever I want without penalty. Great article tho’ keep up the good work!