I imagine this will be great news for Windows users who recently switched to working from a Linux distro. You no longer have to miss your Microsoft Office workflow thanks to SoftMaker.
SoftMaker Office 2021 is a Multi-Platform Office suite application created to be the perfect alternative to Microsoft Office Suite. It is designed to enable you to create impressive documents, calculations, and presentations with ease, coupled with seamless compatibility with Microsoft Office – no conversion needed.
SoftMaker 2021 is the latest version of this office suite and it was recently released with a ton of changes that make it more similar to Microsoft’s alternative than it has ever been before. It features a ton of options and delivers outstanding performance for creating and managing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations respective of whether it is running on Linux, macOS, or Windows.
SoftMaker Office was available in only 2 versions, Standard and Professional, but the company has now ‘split’ Standard into NX Home and NX Universal, with the more expensive version adding features to the former.
SoftMaker NX Home is the started pack choice for every home user and even professionals. It ships bundled with TextMaker, PlanMaker, Presentations, and BasicMaker with a spellcheck feature that works for 20 languages. It costs €29.90 per year or €2,99 per month.
SoftMaker Office NX Universal adds features such as creating professional e-books in EPUB format, integration with Zotero for scientific documents, 2,500 high-quality fonts and web fonts for print, PDF, web and e-book publishing, an advanced font manager, a full version of Corel PaintShop Pro 2020, etc. It costs €39,95 per year or €4,99 per month. This version is available on only Windows.
SoftMaker Office Professional features everything in NX Universal except for the new high-quality fonts and advanced font manager. It costs €89,95 for a one-time purchase and €59,95 for an upgrade.
Applications in SoftMaker Office 2021
If you’re not familiar with the SoftMaker’s suite of apps, it offers four main products for Linux:
TextMaker: New Word processing application.

PlanMaker: New Spreadsheet application.

Presentations: New Presentation software.

Thunderbird: A extension to manage emails, tasks and appointments.

SoftMaker Office 2021 Licenses
All versions have 2 types of licenses – Non-commercial, which can be used on up to five computers at the same time, and Commercial, which is to be used on only one computer but gives the owner the secondary use right to use the app on a portable computer, etc.
All licenses give users access to over 240 group-policy objects and Berlitz Basic dictionaries for English to Spanish, French, German, and Italian.
Features in SoftMaker Office 2021
- Premium App with a free 30-day trial version
- Closed-Source
- SoftMaker Office NX Home – €29,90/year or €2,99/month
- SoftMaker Office NX Universal – €39,95 or €49,95/month
- SoftMaker Office 2021 Professional – €59.95 (upgrade) or €89.95 (one-time payment)
- Available for 32 and 64-bit architectures
- OpenGL-based 2D and 3D animations and transitions
- Compatible with DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX
- Customizable layout
- Beautiful UI with the much-loved ribbon interface
If you knew SoftMaker Office with version 2021 you must have noticed the inclusion of a subscription model. This gives users the flexibility to use SoftMaker Office depending on how long they want to use it for and that has its merits and demerits.
If you’re hearing about SoftMaker Office for the first time, then you may want to take its 30-day-trial version for a test drive to see if it can win your heart.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download SoftMaker Office 2021 for Linux” style=”squared” url=”http://www.softmaker.com/en/softmaker-office-linux” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” bg_color=”#46698E” txt_color=”#fff” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
Come back and tell us what you think about SoftMaker Office 2021 in comparison to, perhaps, the free alternatives you have used. And if you would rather use a free application, SoftMaker has still got you covered with their latest release of FreeOffice 2021.
The article author needs to explain more clearly how he arrives at title and premise that SoftMaker Office2021 is …” The ‘Premium’ Microsoft Office Alternative for Linux”, when he should know that many USA corporations, the American Library Association and many European Union (EU) nations have officially standardized on LibreOffice Office suite.
I am a subscriber of Softmaker Office for at least three years, and while I like the application and use it alongside my primary Office suite LibreOffice, I know that it’s adoption as compared to LibreOffice is quite small, even for “Premium” Office suite usage.
Every Linux distribution includes LibreOffice, and only now have a few also offered Free version of Softmaker Office as an option.
Tech article writers need to exercise substantially more testing, review and consideration “overall” of a application’s adoption, functionality and desired/required feature in the computer using community, including for Linux than making any statements of preference based only on anecdotal biases.
Based on more than twenty five years of personal, professional and expert experiences in technology, including work with a multitude of USA and International business, organizations, school systems and even individuals, this in one on those wrongly categorized cases as describes just above.
Really… I recomend to try LibreOffice or at least FreeOffice which are tottally free 🙂 I dn’t need to use Microsoft solutions to do my job.
Each version has 2 types of licenses – Non-commercial (which can be used on up to five computers at the same time), and Commercial
(which is to be used on only one computer but gives the owner the
secondary use right to use the app on a portable computer – among a few
other features).
I don’t understand this ‘secondary use rights’ thing… on a portable computer????
The secondary use rights allows you to use your commercial licensed app on several computers with any legal restrictions.
There is a Hebrew support with it?
I bought Softmaker Office Standard 2018 and I am using it on my Linux Mint laptop. I am a high school teacher and I have Office 2016 on my desktop computer at work. Comparing the two suites, Softmaker Office can go toe to toe with Microsoft Office. I’ve been a longtime Libreoffice user, and I also have Libreoffice 6 installed on my laptop, and while it is a big step forward for Libreoffice, the compatibility with Microsoft Office and the MS Office inspired UI of Softoffice 2018 surpasses it. I understand that some FOSS diehards will take issue with the fact that Softmaker isn’t open-source software, but for those of us who need a professional-grade office suite on Linux with excellent MS Office compatibility, Softmaker Office 2018 is exactly what we’ve been waiting for. Superb software and well worth the reasonable price.
I agree with you, merk. Since Microsoft has remained adamant regarding Office on Linux, SoftMaker is the way to go.