Ramme is an unofficial cross-platform Instagram desktop app with support for theme customization, keyboard shortcuts, background behavior, and automatic updates.
Ramme exists thanks to the seemingly almighty Electron which developers have been using to bring desktop clients to services which would have otherwise not been available for Linux. It is responsive with a minimal design and intuitive interface.

Features in Ramme
- All the Instagram’s features: likes, follow/unfollow, add a comment, search, discover, profile settings, image upload.
- Light and dark color theme
- Keyboard shortcuts e.g.
Ctrl 3
to navigate to the notifications panel andCtrl 2
to discover new people and liked images. - Automatic updates
Ramme Keyboard Shortcuts
- Go Back:
- Refresh:
- Home:
- Discover:
- Notifications:
- Profile:
- Scroll a post up:
- Scroll a post down:
- Toggle Dark mode:
Ramme doesn’t come with many features other than those Instagram offers and those you will need to use in the app so don’t go looking for extra image and filtering options – it’s purpose is to bring Instagram to Linux.
The latest version of Ramme for Linux is available in .deb
and AppImage here.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Ramme for Linux” style=”squared” url=”https://github.com/terkelg/ramme/releases” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#529b30″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
Do you have a different Instagram desktop client for your Linux desktop? How good has your experience with it been?
If you give Ramme a test run, don’t forget to come back to share your experience with us in the comments section.
anurag@ralph ~$ ramme
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Is there a version for Manjaro?
it doesnt show anything when I wanted to open it
how can i download instagram
how do i uninstall it “ramme”
From your application manager
While i have it running , i got some errors…
mint 18.1
any thoughts?
Uncaught Exception:
Error: ENOENT, dist/renderer/styles/app.css not found in /opt/Ramme/resources/app.asar
at notFoundError (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:114:19)
at Object.fs.readFileSync (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:518:9)
at WebContents.page.on (/opt/Ramme/resources/app.asar/src/main/index.js:156:23)
at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
at WebContents.emit (events.js:211:7)
Remove Ramme completely and install again.
Before you do that take a look at the discussion here -> https://github.com/terkelg/ramme/issues/275
Can one watch live videos on it?
Hi there, I have just installed and ran Ramme and it’s great, no problems, worked like a dream. I am using Mint 18.1 KDE. Thank you for your excellent work.
I’m glad you’re enjoying Ramme, Neil. You’re welcome.