Peek Gif Recorder is the perfect screen capture tool for short and sharp video clips. It was designed to use ffmpeg and ImageMagick to take screencasts of your desktop and animate them to make them Gifs.
It’s that nifty tool for those who might want to demo a bug or a brief gameplay session quickly.
Features of Peek Gif Recorder
Peek offers only one feature, and that is to provide users with top-quality gif files of assigned portions of their desktop screens. You can open its preferences to choose to open the gif file after saving and the options to set delay count, resolution down-sampling, and framerate.

Install Peek in Linux Systems
You can install Peek’s latest version via its PPA on Ubuntu and Debian distributions:
On Debian and Ubuntu
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peek-developers/stable $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install peek
If you want to have the latest development version of Peek, you can install it using PPA with daily builds repository as shown:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peek-developers/daily $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install peek
On Fedora Linux
Fedora user’s can use RPM Fusion repo to install it.
$ sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm $ sudo dnf install ffmpeg $ sudo dnf install gstreamer1-plugins-ugly $ sudo dnf install peek
Arch Linux users can simply install with:
$ sudo pacman -S peek
Other Linux distribution users can build and install Peek using CMake as shown:
$ git clone $ cd peek $ meson --prefix=/usr/local builddir $ cd builddir $ ninja # Run directly from the source $ ./peek # Install system-wide $ sudo ninja install
For more information visit the Github project page at
How useful do you think Peek can be? Should its approach to app features remain the same? For me, this has taken the green recorder’s place. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Share on Imgur still loading not going anywhere 🙁
shell snippets could be published in this improved way:
Seriously? this app was announced 2 months ago and it doesnt support trusty??WTF
Cannot add PPA: ”This PPA does not support trusty”.
If Gyazo could incorporate some of the source of Peek, then that would be great!
Hmm, Gyazo. I will take a look at it.