Krita Painting Tool for Linux

Krita – An Excellent Professional Painting Tool for Linux

Krita is an Open Source sketching and painting app designed professional content creators and can thus, be used efficiently for creating concept designs, illustrations, matte and textured paintings, among other professional forms of artistry.

Features in Krita

Krita, being an excellent design tool for drawing art and illustrations, is packed with tons of features that both amateur and professional creators can take advantage of to develop outstanding projects.

These features include:

  • A Modern and Customizable UI: Create stunning visuals without the panels and borders getting in your way as you can save your custom UI settings for different projects.
  • Brush Stabilizers: Don’t worry about shaky hands when drawing, and you can also use the dynamic brush tool to make precise edits.
  • A Pop-up Palette: Right-click to activate a floating color palette without hindering your workflow. Plus Krita’s tagging system enables you to swap out the available displayed brushes.
  • Resource Manager:Share your custom brushes and texture packs, as well as import those of others, to expand Krita’s tool set.
  • Wrap-around Mode:Krita has integrated wrap-around feature for calculated drawing around the x and y-axes.
  • Brush Engines: Use any of the 9 engines to create custom brushes and organize them with Krita’s tagging mechanism.

Other features include assistive drawing, enhanced OpenGL, PSD support, advanced color management, layer management, mirroring tools, etc. Head over to Krita’s highlights page to read about them.

Krita, being cross-platform, is available for download in the form of Krita desktop as an App image. If you’re interested in the source code that is also freely available.

The AppImages for Linux run on any distros newer than Ubuntu 12.04 and CentOS 6.x since you will need the AppImage that is built without support for OpenMP to run Krita on older distros.

Are you a digital artist, painter, illustrator, or comic creator who hasn’t used Krita before? Give it a try and see if you wouldn’t enjoy it. Remember to return and share your experience with us in the comments below.

Thanks to Alex Macafee for recommending Krita to us when we wrote on the 20 Must-Have Ubuntu Apps in 2017.