How many DJ software have you come across for Linux over the years and how many of them have been beautiful? No, the built-in mixing feature in your MP3 player (or player extension) does not count; and that’s why it is with joy that I introduce to you my new favorite DJ software – DJ Mixxx.
DJ Mixxx is a free, open source, and cross-platform music software for Disk Jockeys. It features a beautiful modern dark-themed UI that is skin-customizable and virtually any function that comes to your mind for a DJs to use.
It is also compatible with most DJ hardware tools and offers a big community that welcomes both beginner and advanced users alike.
Features in Mixxx
- Free to download and use on GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows.
- Open source with source code available on GitHub and Launchpad.
- Beat looping, cueing, pitch and key control, and master sync.
- Quantization, EQ and crosssfader control, breat rolls and censor.
- Sampler decks.
- Effects chains.
- Customizable DJ hardware support.
- BPM & key detection and Auto DJ.
- A refined music library with iTunes and Traktor library integration, advanced searching and sorting, and MusicBrainz tag lookup.
- Use playlists and crates (custom categories) to personalize music playback.
- Various skins (themes) with customizable layouts.
You can find a more detailed features list on its websites’s features page. If you’re interested, you can follow the links to its comprehensive wiki and user manual from its support page section.
DJ Mixxx is arguably one of the best open source applications this year and maybe forever. If you doubt me take it for a test drive. It’s free and without ads!
Install DJ Mixxx Software in Linux
On Ubuntu, you can install latest version of DJ Mixxx from the Mixxx PPA using following commands.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mixxx/mixxx $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install mixxx
Ubuntu also provides a version of DJ Mixxx from the Ubuntu Software Center, but the available version is usually woefully out of date; therefore using the PPA is preferable.
On Fedora, enable the RPMFusion package repository to install DJ Mixxx software using the following commands.
# dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm # dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" # dnf install gcc-c++ upower-devel lilv-devel # dnf builddep mixxx
On other Linux distributions, you can compile it from source, compiling instructions are available for Linux at below download section.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download DJ Mixxx for Linux” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#529b30″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
Have you used DJ Mixxx before? I’m eager to know about your experience with it because it worked perfectly on my Ubuntu 18.10 installation.
Do you know any other DJ software for Linux that is worth writing home about? Enter your contributions in the comments section below.