The native Linux experience on Chrome OS is relatively new in the form of debian Linux and was limited to the extremely unstable canary and dev channel of the operating system up until recently when it made its debut in the beta channel.
The container came in the exclusive form of an interaction via the inbuilt terminal after you might have activated the Linux functionality in the settings of your Chrome system. Before its acclaimed popularity, the sub-platform was infamously codenamed Crostini with what is a relatively active subreddit.
In light of the sped up development of Google’s Linux effort within Chrome OS have we decided to create a recommended list of app repositories that will enable you to download native deb apps without the hassle of the terminal.
Chrome’s nature is established in the ideology of simplicity and I’d naturally expect Google will create a more simplified or foolproof method of installing Linux apps on Chrome OS if they are aiming for a wide adoption. On that note, below are our tried and true list of app store recommendations for Chrome OS.
Gnome Software Center
Gnome’s software center comes standard on a majority of Ubuntu based distros. The app store is particularly extensive in functionality due to its association with the Gnome desktop environment which unmistakably comes standard in Ubuntu and many of its derived flavors.

The software center groups apps in categories and also has a search bar together with some other first party Gnome apps that come standard with the distros featuring the Gnome desktop environment.
Installation requires you using the Linux terminal that you can find using the search bar in the app launcher after which you’ll subsequently copy and paste the command below.
$ sudo apt-get install gnome-software gnome-packagekit
When the installation is complete, go back to the system tray and search for software and you should now be able to use it however you like.
Alternatively, you can download either KDE’s Discover app store or the Synaptic package manager from the Gnome software center for the same purpose of installing apps that is if you don’t find Gnome to be appealing enough for whatever reason.

Lastly, Gdebi is a package installer that enables to you to install .deb
packages without the hassle of the Linux terminal and below is the command required to install the app on your device.
$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
There are certainly a few more noteworthy Linux app stores that I haven’t mentioned in this article due to the fact that they currently do not work okay on the Chrome OS platform. I, will, however update this article as soon I am able to get them working.
With that said, share your experience with these package managers with us in the comments.
Don’t Work for me.