The Linux environment is the ideal platform for security auditors and penetration testers because of the enormous artillery it provides them with.
Take Kali Linux for example, the Debian-based Linux distro born 10 years ago that is specially designed for digital forensics and penetration testing comes with a ton of prepackaged hacker tools including Aircrack-ng, Kismet, Nmap, Wireshark, and Metasploit Framework among others.
The OS doesn’t come with non-essential applications like Gimp and LibreOffice which mainstream Linux distros provide – making it arguably the perfect environment for those who want to concentrate on delving into the world of computer security and hacking.
It is therefore with an assurance of quality that we introduce to you the Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing: Beginner’s Guide (by authors, Vivek Ramachandran and Cameron Buchanan) – the ideal manual to get you up and running with not just Wireless Penetration Testing, but also Kali Linux.

What’s Inside the Book?
The Chapters are as follows:
- Wireless Lab Setup
- WLAN and its Inherent Insecurities
- Bypassing WLAN Authentication
- WLAN Encryption Flaws
- Attacks on the WLAN Infrastructure
- Attacking the Client
- Advanced WLAN Attacks
- Attacking WPA-Enterprise and Radius
- WLAN Penetration Testing Methodology
- WPS and Probes
By the end of this book, you would have explored the ins and outs of wireless technologies having learned:
- How to create wireless labs for your hacking experiments;
- How to discover wireless packets, hidden networks, and hidden SSIDs;
- How to capture WPA-2 keys (and crack them as well);
- How to sniff wireless traffic to collect relevant data and to sniff probe requests to track users through their SSID history;
- How to decrypt encrypted traffic with stolen keys
The book is available in the Amazon store, so go ahead and grab yourself a copy if you are interested in its content.