Gmail is used by 500+ million people but how many of us make the best use of it? Yes, it’s a convenient email client to use but what if I told you that Gmail is capable of way more functions than it offers you at the moment?
The same way applications use plugins is the same way Gmail does, and here are 10 that will boost your productivity.
1. is a service that lists all your subscriptions in one place and offers you the option to unsubscribe,
Would you like to know all the services your email is subscribed to? Or do you have at least one too many newsletters? Check out

2. Gmail Snooze
Gmail Snooze makes it possible for you to clear emails from your inbox and return to them later. You can set a date for Gmail snooze to remind you in a day or two, a week, a month, or your preferred date.

3. Sortd for Gmail
Sortd for Gmail is a smart skin that enables you to effortlessly organize and prioritize your emails and to-dos using a single Trello-like workspace.
It allows you to use drag-and-drop to put emails into different columns which can have your preferred titles.

4. Wise Stamp
With Wise Stamp, you can create professional signatures to easily add to your emails. The signatures can include images, social media account links, RSS feeds, etc. You can customize some aspects like colour and font size.
With support for AOL, Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail, Wise Stamp is free with an upgrade fee of $4 per month which removes Wire Stamp’s watermark and gives you unlimited signature entries.

5. Gmail Offline
As the name suggests,Gmail offline enables you to access your Gmail content when you are offline. You can search for emails as well as read and respond to them as if you were online. They wouldn’t deliver until you’re back online, though. And don’t expect new emails either.

6. MX Hero
MX Hero offers you 3 main functions: self-destructing emails, email and attachment read notifications, and email scheduling.
Use it to know which links in your emails were clicked, if your email was read. Ideal for online marketing and follow-ups.

7. Checker Plus
Checker Plus enables you to manage various email accounts, label emails according to importance, read emails aloud, and receive notifications even when the browser is closed.

8. Key Rocket
Key Rocket has one function – to make you memorize Gmail shortcuts. And since the journey to being a power user begins with the step of learning keyboard shortcuts, it is a good extension to have.
Each time you perform a task that could have been quickly done using a shortcut Key Rocket will display the shortcut in a minimalist pop-up applet.

9. Gmelus
Gmelus (pronounced ‘gee-meal-ius‘) is a feature-rich extension that allows you to track, schedule, and automate emails. It also allows you to work with teams on emails that you can convert into tasks and assign to team members.
It even comes with a powerful kanban board that you can use to monitor and manage tasks, templates to speed up composing emails, unsubscribe from newsletters and services with the click of a button, and To-do list labels.
Gmelus is free to use but it has an annual fee of $60 ($7 per month) for the Individual Premium plan.

10. Just Not Sorry
Just Not Sorry takes on the job of cleaning up your grammar and making it sound more formal. Fillers and phrases like “just” and “I’m no expert” or “I think” weaken your message that’s why Just Not Sorry will underline them with red for you to remove.
If you decide to ignore the suggestion to remove the overused words and phrases your emails will deliver anyway.

Did I mention any of the extensions you use to boost your Gmail productivity? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
Inbox is still a much better mail client than Gmail. If you’d like to try to save it, please share and sign the petition:
I agree. I’ve signed and shared the petition.
Gmail Offline is depreciated as the offline functionality is now built-in to Gmail.