Exaile Music Player is a lightweight but powerful python-based music player with music management capabilities. It features an extensive plugin support, the ability to automatically fetch song lyrics and album art, stream online radio, and perform advanced track tagging.
Like is the case with Nightingale, most of Exaile Music Player’s functionality is enabled by plugin extensions – which isn’t particularly a bad idea because users maintain the option to include only the functionalities they want present in their music player.

Features in Exaile Music Player
- FOSS: Exail Music Player is free to download and use and its code is available on GitHub.
- Cross-Platform: Enjoy a uniform UI/UX on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- Fetch album art automatically.
- Playlist support with advanced search and filtering controls.
- Support for internet radio including Soma.FM.
- Support for podcasts and portable media players.
- Supports advanced track tagging.
- Supports last.fm scrobbling.
As is expected, Exaile Music Player offers a lot more features than those are listed above and it can be given more functionality thanks to its extensive plugin support.
Installing Exaile Music Player will also give you access to 50+ plugins, all of which work consistently with the app and are mostly bug-free while making sure that you have an enjoyable listening experience.
Currently, the Exaile team doesn’t offer supported packages (rpm, deb, etc) for any Linux distributions. However most distributions include Exaile in their repositories.
$ sudo apt install exaile $ sudo dnf install exaile
For other Linux distributions, you can download and compile it from source.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Exaile Music Player” style=”squared” url=”http://www.exaile.org/download/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” bg_color=”#46698E” txt_color=”#fff” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
The Exaile development team had gone quiet for a while as is evident from their GitHub release timeline but they have since released 2 updates this year and another update might just be around the corner.
Remember that you can always contribute to open source projects be it in code, feature suggestions, or financial support.
How much do you now know about Exaile Music Player? Are you looking forward to another update? Share what’s on your mind with us in the comments section below.
Nice one. I mean I’m still fishing for the ideal music solution so am all ears (mopidy is my current hot favourite). But what your article saliently lacks is an answer to the question on the tip of every reader’s tongue surely? In the Linux world at least, that question is certainly WTFYAMP? Why The F* Yet Another Music Player!
We are in total gridlock and analysis paralysis in deciding which one of the many to use! To wit I hope in any article introducing anew one to address that question … what is the raison d’etre for this player, what is the underlying ethos of the development team that saw them start a new play rather than go with, well in the Python world, Quod Libet, Lollypop or Mopidy? Do we really need to bathe in options or could we not pool our collective efforts and build the music player to beat all music players?