Our post today is about another Markdown editor – one that has been termed “the last Markdown editor you will ever use“, presumably because of its full-featured Markdown support and free accessibility.
We told you about StackEdit the last time so today, we introduce to you, Dillinger.
Dillinger is an AngularJS powered online HTML5 Markdown editor that is mobile ready, cloud-enabled, supports live preview and offline document storage.
With a UI designed in such a way that you can type Markdown on the left and preview it in real time on the right, Dillinger has a “right-to-the-matter” approach to writing Markdown which is easy for beginners to work with.
Still, on the User Interface and controls, Dillinger has the options to toggle Distract free mode for Markdown editing, and a source code (HTML) mode to see the Markdown text on the left automatically converted to HTML.
Dillinger also has the ability to import HTML files and export them as Markdown; Drag N’ Drop images (as long as your Dropbox account is linked); and import files from (as well as save them to,) Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, and GitHub – and files can be exported as PDF, markdown, and HTML.

Features in Dillinger
- Online freeware: Dillinger is free and accessible to anyone who cares to use right from their browser.
- Open Source: That’s right! You can contribute to Dillinger’s source code on GitHub.
- Browser-Based: All Windows, Linux, and Mac users can enjoy the coolness of Dillinger right from their browser.
- Support for plugin extensions.
- Drag N’ Drop support for HTML and Markdown files.
- Drag N’ Drop support for images.
- Export documents as HTML, Markdown, and PDF.
- Import files from and save to GitHub, Dropbox, Google Drive, and One Drive.
- Live Markdown and HTML preview.
To know the rest of the features Dillinger offers you will just have to use the browser-based app yourself.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Install Dillinger on Google Chrome” style=”squared” url=”https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dillinger/ofcakejhikahjhchhgohnmckooafbjam?hl=en” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#529b30″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
Do you know other Markdown editors to compare to Dillinger? Perhaps ones we haven’t written about. Feel free to drop your comments and suggestions in the discussion section below.
And don’t forget to return to tell us about your experience with Dillinger.