Do you remember Telegram? The cross-platform instant messaging that features self-destructing messages, VoIP, and Gifs? It has desktop apps for the 3 most popular platforms but in the open-source community, no one is happy with just one option – thus we have Cutegram.
Cutegram is an open-source cross-platform (but unofficial) desktop client for Telegram. It was put together using Qt5, libappindication, QML, libqtelegram, Faenza icons, Twitter and emojis graphic sets AsemanQtTools technologies and it supports all file types just like Telegram.

The app was developed by Aseman, a non-profit company that created to support and lead the FOSS (Free Open Source Software) projects and research with the goal to provide “free and secure products to keep people’s freedom and their privacy.
Features in Cutegram
- Freeware: Cutegram is free for everyone to download and use.
- Open Source: Contribute to the source code on GitHub.
- Cross-Platform: All Windows, Linux, and Mac users can enjoy the coolness of Cutegram.
- Drag and Drop: Use drag and drop gestures to delete messages as well as media files.
- An online tools Documentation for developers.
- Compatible with several desktops including Unity, Gnome, KDE, Windows Desktop and Mac Desktop.
- Supports touch and High DPI screens.
- Uses Faenza icons graphic set.
- Use Twitter emojis (unlike Telegram which uses Apple emojis).
- A system tray icon.
- Native desktop notifications with options.
- Secret chat on desktop computers.
- Manage your chat list using 3 default groups: Your Love, Favourite Connections, and Other Connections.
Cutegram boasts an intuitive and user-friendly UI with so many customization options you need to use the app yourself to experience them all e.g. a color picker to set its app window to any theme color of your choice.
You can download Cutegram from the links provided on its official website’s homepage.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Cutegram for Linux” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” bg_color=”#46698E” txt_color=”#fff” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
If you want to skip to the chase and install via PPA on Ubuntu and its derivatives, then enter the following commands into your terminal:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aseman/desktop-apps $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install cutegram
On Arch Linux, Antergos and other Arch distros.
$ sudo pacman -S cutegram
On any other Linux distributions.
$ wget $ sudo chmod +x $ ./
So, are you going to try Cutegram? Mind you it offers all the functionality Telegram’s desktop client offers and even more. If you ask me, it’s the best Telegram client you can use on a Linux desktop.
Feel free to give the app a test drive and don’t forget to give us feedback in the comments section below.
I’d use cutegram if not for the name. Seriously, soyboys, get off your cutesaddles.