For the longest time, it seemed that those of us who are both Linux & SoundCloud users would be forever cursed with having to use a Web browser on our desktops in order to enjoy the application. But I bring you great news!
There is now an unofficial desktop client for SoundCloud and it goes by the name of Auryo. Gone are the days when you were forced to use a browser to stream Soundcloud content. Now it is a scroll and a click away.
Auryo is is an unofficial cross-platform SoundCloud desktop client that features an amazing and aesthetically pleasing UI design together with support for SoundCloud‘s features.
Unlike when using SoundCloud in the browser, Auryo lets you continue working while enjoying your music without the need to go back and forth between your desktop and the browser.

Features of Auryo
- Cross-Platform: Download and install Auryo on Linux, Mac, and Windows PCs.
- Free: The SoundCloud desktop client is also free to download and use.
- Closed-Source: Unlike most of the apps we review on FossMint, Auryo is not open-source; so no, you cannot access its source code.
- Electron-based application built by Jonas Snellinckx.
- Carry out SoundCloud functions like in the browser including favoriting songs and artists.
- Find new music via searching for artists, playlists or/and tracks.
- Read user comments.
- MPRIS integration using your keyboard.
- Follow/unfollow accounts.
Auryo has a couple of other features like performance improvements and excellent sound quality – stuff you can only enjoy when you try the app yourself. So follow the download button below to give the app a test-drive.
[mks_button size=”medium” title=” Download Auryo Desktop Client for SoundCloud” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” bg_color=”#46698E” txt_color=”#fff” icon=”fa-download” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
If you have tried Auryo before tell us what you think about the project. And if you know about alternative apps feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments section below.